Your vernacular
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Vernacular in a sentence world history!
Vernacular: Definition and Examples
Languages are complicated. There are tons of rules and exceptions to learn, which can be tough even for a language’s primary speakers.
But that’s part of what makes languages interesting: They’re often pliable, and they’re shaped by the people who actively use them. Vernacular is essentially a product of that flexibility.
Vernacular definition
It’s the unique way certain groups of people use language to convey meaning in phrases that don’t always strictly conform to grammar rules.
What is the vernacular?
The word vernacular means the way people use language in a specific country or region.
For instance, while English is a common language in places like the US, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, the way that people use English is vernacular—it varies from country to country. Vernacular can also be specific to a culture, such as African American Vernacular English (AAVE).
Vernacular language is shaped by word choice, grammar, punctuation, literary devices, and turns of phrase.
The vernacular is also an informal way of speaking, typically used in more casual set
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