Amorous meaning in hindi

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    how to use the word amorous in a sentence
  • How to use amorous in a sentence
  • Amorous meaning

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    English words and Examples of Usage

    use "amorous" in a sentence

    Men love amorous women.

    In the South these songs were generally of an amorous nature, while in the North they took the form of chansons de geste, long poems recounting the feats in the life and battles of some hero, such as Roland (whose song was chanted by the troops of William the Conqueror), or Cadd1harles Martel.

    The amorous follies of the monarch were held up to derision by sketches of a harem interior, where the kingly wooer was represented by a lion, and his favourites of the softer sex by gazelles.

    Involuntary emissions of semen most frequently occur during amorous dreams at night, and are therefore termed nocturnal emissions.

    It is useless to begin medical treatment while the patient continues to read exciting, amorous stories and obscene books, which are suggestive of lewd thoughts.

    Never had love been so much in the air, and never had the amorous atmosphere made itselfso strongly felt in the Rostovs' house as at this holiday time.

    Academic English Words List and Examp

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