Look sentence for class 4

    use look in a sentence
    use look in a sentence for kindergarten
    use look in a sentence as an action verb
    use see in a sentence
  • Use look in a sentence
  • Look for make sentence

  • Look out sentence in english
  • Write a sentence using the word look as a noun
  • Look sentence for class 6
  • Look sentence for kid
  • Write a sentence using the word look as a noun.

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    EnglishLook, Mary......

    look at this.volume_upmore_vert

    EnglishLook at, look at the United States.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishKB: Look at the road, look at the road.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishLook at history, look at the writing on the wall.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishSo look at this.

    Look at the girl.volume_upmore_vert

    EnglishOr look at Scandinavia.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishLook at this monster.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishLook at that shape.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishLook at this picture.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishLook at this image.volume_upmore_vert
    EnglishThey look at Karajan.volume_upmore_ve

      use seem in a sentence
      use search in a sentence