
    how to use provincial in a sentence
    how to use province in a sentence
    how to put provincial in a sentence
    how to put province in a sentence
  • How to use provincial in a sentence
  • Provincial meaning in hindi.

    Provincial meaning

  • Provincial person meaning
  • Provincial meaning in hindi
  • Provincial life meaning
  • How to pronounce provincial
  • Examples of 'provincial' in a sentence

    Examples from the Collins Corpus

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    He makes me wait as he summons a provincial police officer to accompany us.
    It is really just a large provincial city with fancy shops and restaurants.

    Three other provincial capitals are under threat.
    Pakistan's cash transfer programme previously gave all national and provincial assembly members a budget and let them select the beneficiaries.
    This shows some organization; but it was done at the expense of starving traffic to the capitals and large provincial towns.

    Provincial meaning in urdu

    His own acting career began in infancy and he spent much of his childhood touring English provincial theatre towns with his parents.
    This was a humdrum Sunday afternoon in a provincial Italian town where the church bells are audible from the stadium.

    In this way Mrs May could

      how to use the word province in a sentence
      how do you use provincial in a sentence