Utensils up or down in dishwasher reddit

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    how to put utensils in dishwasher
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    how to wash dishes in dishwasher
  • How to wash utensils in dishwasher
  • Forks up or down in dishwasher

  • Utensils in dishwasher up or down
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  • How to wash silverware in dishwasher without basket.

    How to clean cutlery in the dishwasher

    Which way should cutlery go in the dishwasher?

    The question of whether to place your knives, forks and spoons up or down is a common debate when deciphering how to load utensils in the dishwasher.

    Truth be told, there are multiple ways to do this, depending on how full your dishwasher is.

    If you’ve got space, spoon handles can go up when you load the dishwasher cutlery basket – however, if you’re filling the basket to capacity, it’s best to point spoon handles down to save room.

    How to load a dishwasher diagram

    Large utensils, like serving tongs and spoons, can be rested on the top shelf, whilst forks and knives are safer to place in the basket pointy side down (for obvious reasons!).

    Whether you’re ‘Team Up’ or ‘Team Down’ it’s always best to consult your dishwasher manual first to be sure.

    Can you put knives in the dishwasher?

    When it comes to putting knives in the dishwasher, it depends on what kind of knife it is. You can put them in – particularly when it comes to cutlery and the likes – but you may want to wash your more expensive knives by hand.

    These will usu

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