English to french

    how to spell science in french
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    how do you write science in french
    how to say science in french
  • How to spell science in french
  • Is science in french masculine or feminine!

    Translation of "science" into French

    science, sciences, connaissance are the top translations of "science" into French. Sample translated sentence: The only real science is the knowledge of facts.

    Computation in french

    ↔ La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.

    scienceverbnoun grammar

    A particular discipline or branch of learning, especially one dealing with measurable or systematic principles rather than intuition or natural ability.

    [from 14th c.] [..]

    • knowledge gained through study or practice [..]

      The only real science is the knowledge of facts.

      La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.

      How to pronounce science in french

    • Science in french google translate
    • Is science in french masculine or feminine
    • Computer science in french
    • Science class in french


  • sciences (matière d’étude)

    The only real science is the knowledge of facts.

    La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.

    JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)

  • connaissance


    One participant stressed that political decisions must be based on sound science.

    Un participant a souligné que les décisions politiques devaient s’appuyer sur des connaissances scientifiques épr

      how do you spell science in french
      how to spell the in french