English to french
- how to spell science in french
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- how do you write science in french
- how to say science in french
Is science in french masculine or feminine!
Translation of "science" into French
science, sciences, connaissance are the top translations of "science" into French. Sample translated sentence: The only real science is the knowledge of facts.
Computation in french↔ La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.
scienceverbnoun grammar
A particular discipline or branch of learning, especially one dealing with measurable or systematic principles rather than intuition or natural ability.
[from 14th c.] [..]
knowledge gained through study or practice [..]
The only real science is the knowledge of facts.
La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.
How to pronounce science in french
- Science in french google translate
- Is science in french masculine or feminine
- Computer science in french
- Science class in french
sciences (matière d’étude)
The only real science is the knowledge of facts.
La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits.
JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)
nounfeminineOne participant stressed that political decisions must be based on sound science.
Un participant a souligné que les décisions politiques devaient s’appuyer sur des connaissances scientifiques épr
- how do you spell science in french
- how to spell the in french