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How to get the spark back in a broken relationship.
5 Ways to Reignite Romance in a Marriage That Feels Loveless
Expertise: Relationships advice, Pre-marriage and general
Noah Williams is a passionate writer focusing on matters of the heart and mind.
He emphasizes the importance of honesty, communication, and self-love for relationships.
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Updated: 30 May, 2024
In the labyrinth of marital life, the flame of passion can wane, leaving couples to walk the dim hallways of a loveless marriage.
Schwartz and Olds suggest that many theories of romantic love acknowledge a natural change in the intensity of love as time progresses.
Romantic love can also diminish without active engagement from both partners, which highlights the importance of reigniting romance in a marriage.
This phenomenon isn’t just about missing sparks; it’s about the profound impact a dispassionate relationship can have on emotional and physical intimacy.
As such, addressing the cooling of affections is n
- how to spark your marriage again
- how to get your spark back in your marriage