Incline walking calories calculator
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- calories burned treadmill walking calculator
- calories burned walking treadmill incline calculator
Best treadmill calorie calculator
Calories burned walking 1 hour!
Calories Burned on a Treadmill with Incline Calculator
Do you walk or run on the Treadmill?
See how many calories you can burn depending on your weight, time, average speed or distance, and an optionally defined incline.
Estimated result based on your input
How many calories can you burn on a Treadmill?
The average person weighing 180 lbs (81 kg) can burn about 348 calories an hour walking at 4 mph speed on a treadmill at 0% incline.
The same person can burn even about 820 calories an hour with a 10% incline if they can maintain the same speed.
When it comes to running, the average person weighing 180 lbs can burn about 568 calories during 30 minutes of running on a treadmill with a 0% incline.
If they can keep this speed and increase the incline to 10%, they can burn 805 calories in 30 minutes.
How to burn more calories on a Treadmill?
Increase the incline
Walking or running uphill, we get tired much more, and thus, we increase the number of calories burned.
If your treadmill allows you to change the incline, this
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