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  • How to improve hand speed in boxing
  • How to increase hand speed for hitting.

    They say, “Speed Kills”.

    How to increase punching speed

    People get excited about punch power. But fighters who can throw more punches than their opponent usually win the day.

    You don’t need some innate, natural-born talent to have fast hands. As with every other aspect of boxing, you develop fast hands through deliberate training.

    It takes time. 

    And like many other aspects of boxing training, you need to train your mind as well as your body. 

    We gathered together five of the most fundamental exercises for improving hand speed.

    How to have fast hands in gaming

  • How to improve hand speed for basketball
  • How to increase hand speed for hitting
  • How to increase hand speed boxing reddit
  • Hand speed exercises
  • Read on to learn more.

    Think Fast and Stay Relaxed

    Many people think that simply being able to punch fast results in fast hands in the ring. But in reality, what we call fast hands begins in the head. 

    First, forget about throwing hard punches, at least to begin with.

    If your mind focuses on punching for power, you tend to punch slow.

    You want to get the punch off quickly, make accurate contact, and return to a guard position as fast as possible. Don’t think about doing damage.

    Think about trying to touch your opponent without being seen.  


      how to get faster hands in boxing
      improve speed in boxing