How to hide password in php

    how to hide password in php
    how to hide password in phpmyadmin
    how to remove password in phpmyadmin
    how to hide database password in php
  • How to hide password in php
  • Php hide mysql password

  • Password_hash() function provides the facility to securely store the password of the user to the database.
  • Php securely store database password
  • Toggle between password visibility with JavaScript.
  • With PHP, you can use open_basedir to set the directories that PHP can interact with and keep it from going outside of those.
  • Php securely store database password!

    How to secure database passwords in PHP?

    Most of the websites are providing sing up and login facility to the user. User has to create a password and use it for login to the website.

    But it is very important to secure the password of the user.

    First, you place this script in a directory that is readable (not writable) only by you and the 'nobody' PHP user just for basic protection.

    password_hash() function provides the facility to securely store the password of the user to the database.


    password_hash(Password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

    Example: First parameter Password will contain the normal password.

    The second Parameter will contain PASSWORD_BCRYPT to make secure otherwise it contains PASSWORD_DEFAULT as default. Let’s see the example to understand properly. 




    • Output:Password In Database. 


      how to remove hash password in php
      how to remove password phpmyadmin xampp