Classcastexception runtime or compile time

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    how to resolve classcastexception in java
    how to handle java.lang.classcastexception
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    Try-catch class cast exception

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    An unexcepted, unwanted event that disturbed the normal flow of a program is called Exception. Most of the time exceptions are caused by our program and these are recoverable.

    Example: If our program requirement is to read data from the remote file locating at the U.S.A. At runtime, if the remote file is not available then we will get RuntimeException saying fileNotFoundException.

    Java class cast exception are in unnamed module of loader

    If fileNotFoundException occurs we can provide the local file to the program to read and continue the rest of the program normally.

    There are mainly two types of exception in java as follows:

    1. Checked Exception: The exception which is checked by the compiler for the smooth execution of the program at runtime is called a checked exception.

    In our program, if there is a chance of rising checked exceptions then compulsory we should handle that checked exception (either by try-catch or throws keyword) otherwise we will get a compile-time error.

    Examples of checked exceptions are classNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException etc.


    Unchecked Excep