How to make instant coffee less acidic

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    how to reduce acidity in instant coffee
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    There are a bunch of different approaches for how to make coffee less acidic.

    For coffee lovers like me, one of the most disheartening things you can face is the necessity of cutting back on acidic foods and drinks in your diet.

    I sometimes have bouts of acid reflux, which prompts me to do the most basic and obvious self-care routine: eliminating and reducing acid intake, including coffee. 

    Even for a short time, this feels daunting, as it’s no secret to anyone that I’m a busy mom with a full-time job (and a side hustle!) and a lot of running around to do, on not very much sleep.

    Coffee has become my partner in crime when it comes to taking care of my responsibilities, so to have to cut back on it for even a short time is rough.

    To say I didn’t want to is an understatement.

    This prompted me to research different options to see if I could still have coffee while trying to take better care of my digestive system. 

    I explored brewing methods, roasting processes, brew time, and grind size, as well as things I could add to my coffee to help. 

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