Boil in eye corner

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    What Are Eye Styes & How Can You Get Rid of Them?

    What are Eye Styes?

    An eye stye (sty or hordeolum) is an inflamed oil gland (meibomian glands) near the edge of the eyelid. It appears as a painful red bump that may look like a pimple or a small boil.

    They're usually caused by an acute bacterial infection in the upper or lower eyelid. Although styes can appear anywhere on the eyelid, they are more likely to form near the edge of the eye, where the eyelashes meet the eyelid. 

    Styes generally aren't severe medical conditions, despite the pain. They're common and typically resolve with self-care.

    However, some styes may require professional medical care.

    Are Eye Styes Contagious?

    Although eye styes may spread from person to person through direct contact or from a contaminated surface, medical professionals agree that the risk of contagion is low. There is a limited risk that the bacteria that causes a stye will travel from one person’s eye to another.

    Because the risk of spreading the bacteria from a stye is low, you can still go to work or school safel

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