How to import math class in java

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    how to import math class in java
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    Java Math Class

    sinReturns the trigonometric value of the sine of an angle.cosReturns the trigonometric value of the cosine of an angle.tanReturns the trigonometric value of the tangent of an angle.asinReturns the trigonometric value of the arc sine of an angle.acosReturns the trigonometric value of the arc cosine of an angle.atanReturns the trigonometric value of the arc tangent of an angle.toRadiansConvert value in degrees to value in radianstoDegreesConvert value in radians to value in degreesexpReturns Euler’s number e raised to the power of a double valuelogReturns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double valuelog10Returns the base 10 logarithms of a double valuesqrtReturns the correct rounded positive square root of a double valuecbrtReturns the cube root of a double valueIEEEremainderComputes the remainder operation on two arguments as instructed by the IEEE 754 standard.ceilReturns the smallest double value that is grea

      how to include math class in java
      how are we able to use the math class in java