Maplestory map
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How to get to singapore maplestory 2024.
Slinker8115 years ago#1
Ive been looking for the past 15mins about how to get to this place.
can someone hep me?
i cant find singapore and after that i need to go to boat quay and then mp3?
Gaymer Here!
\___/ PSN: Slinker81
3DS: Rene : 2938 - 7821 - 5853 \__/ Switch: SW-6556-0278-1797
Red_Commando15 years ago#2
kerning city ticketing usher.
Maplestory singapore download
buy a ticket and fly to singapore.
once in singapore just leave the city to the right, there's only one path to follow, once you get to freezers, take the right portal for boat quay town - left goes to truckers.
Currently playing: Sang-Froid / Valdis Story / Shadowrun Returns
Slinker81(Topic Creator)15 years ago#3
and i have another question, what is better MP3 or MPQ?
im a party priest....and lvl 76
Gaymer Here!
\___/ PSN: Slinker81
3DS: Rene : 2938 - 7821 - 5853 \__/ Switch: SW-6556-0278-1797
Bokothechoco215 years ago#4
MP3. That aside, I believe MPQ is pretty much the worst exp PQ out there in terms of raw exp (around the same as CPQ but for people 20-35 levels higher).
I'd almost suggest PP
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