Supernatural songs season 2

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    Supernatural: Original Television Soundtrack

    TitleSupernatural: Original Television Soundtrack
    Medium Soundtrack - CD and mp3
    Creator(s)Christopher Lennertz and Jay Gruska
    Publisher 2010 Watertower Music
    Release Date September 7, 2010

    This soundtrack features original music by Christopher Lennertz and Jay Gruska from the first five seasons of Supernatural.

    The track listing is:

    1. And So It Begins

    Supernatural songs season 5

  • Supernatural soundtrack season 1
  • Supernatural music by episode
  • Iconic supernatural songs
  • Supernatural songs in order
  • Luci'fer, You Got Some 'splainin' To Do!
    3. Isn't It Bromatic?
    4. Demon Agitato, Mr. Ostinato
    5. Dean's Dirty Organ (Brother's Guitar Theme)
    6. Americana
    7. The Grateful Undead
    8. "Salmon Dean" In The Heartland

    Blood Drops Keep Falling On My Head

    Supernatural soundtrack (all seasons download)

    Old 'monster Movie'
    11. Decapitation Variations
    12. Tears In My Beers
    13. Gratuitous Sex and Violins
    14. Ruby: So Cute, So Creepy

    Iconic supernatural songs

    The Family Business / Elegy for John
    16. The Meatsuit Mambo
    17. Lilith Unfair
    18. End Credits & Mo' Guitar Grit

    Check out our essay on the Music of Supernatural, thematic analysis of the original

      songs about the supernatural
      songs about supernatural things